El anillo de hierro

Preludi del tercer acte [The Iron Ring, prelude to the third act])
composerMarquès, Pere Miquel
publisherLa Federació Balear de Bandes de Música i Associacions Musicals
instrumentationModern instrumentation; New edition
notesWith extensive historical, program and publication notes in Catalan, Spanish and English. Revised and prepared for publication by Miquel Barceló Oliver and Joan Antoni Ballester Coll.
also availableLinks above are formatted: parts 1-up for 8 1/2" x 11" paper, score for A3 paper with added English instrument names.

The original publication is available here: parts 2-up for A3 paper, score with Catalan instrument names only for A3 paper.
change date2024-06-29 New