composer | Marquès, Pere Miquel |
original copyright | CC |
publisher | La Federació Balear de Bandes de Música i Associacions Musicals |
instrumentation | Modern instrumentation; New edition |
notes | Col·lecció Bandes Desentaforades, No. 2. With extensive historical, program and publication notes in Catalan, Spanish and English. Revised and prepared for publication by Miquel Barceló Oliver and Joan Antoni Ballester Coll. |
parts | Download parts |
score | Download score |
performance | Listen to El Reloj de Lucerna |
change date | 2024-11-14 New |
The Bandes desentaforades series collection was born with the aim of recovering from oblivion quality works of renowned Mallorcan composers who rest, hidden, in the archives of the various bands of the island. These are original handwritten works for music band or arrangements, which once were hits, but have been left in a corner, due to the lack of easy-to-read published materials adapted to the reality of today’s wind bands.
El reloj de Lucerna (The Clock of Lucerne) is a lyric drama in three acts and performed in five scenes, with libretto by Marcos Zapata. It premiered at the Teatro Apolo in Madrid on March 1, 1884 and was a great success, being performed 55 times in only three months.
The action of the zarzuela is based on the events that took place in Switzerland after the death of William Tell, in the mid-seventeenth century.
from the Introduction